COm::List< Pair > | |
►COm::Copyable | An object that can be passed to Copy to be copied |
►COm::DefaultCopyable< ThisImplementation, ThisInterface > | A partial implementation of Copyable |
►COm::DefaultMoveable< ThisImplementation, DefaultCopyable< ThisImplementation, Giveable > > | |
►COm::DefaultGiveable< ThisImplementation, ThisInterface > | A partial implementation of Giveable |
►COm::Language::DefaultConsumer< ThisImplementation, DefaultGiveable< ThisImplementation, Om::Language::Program > > | |
►COm::Language::DefaultProgram< ThisImplementation, ThisInterface > | A partial implementation of Program |
►COm::Language::DefaultElement< ThisImplementation, Om::Language::Atom > | |
COm::Language::DefaultAtom< ThisImplementation > | A partial implementation of Atom |
►COm::Language::DefaultElement< Operand > | |
COm::Language::Operand | The Operand implementation |
►COm::Language::DefaultElement< Null > | |
COm::Language::Null | The Null Element implementation |
►COm::Giveable | An object that can be copied or moved via Give |
►COm::Language::Program | The Program implementation |
►COm::Language::Element | A Program that contains a single elemental item (or none, when IsEmpty() returns true) |
COm::Language::Atom | An atomic Element defined by a string |
►COm::Language::Consumer | An Element taker; takes at the back |
►COm::Language::DefaultConsumer< Writer > | |
COm::Language::Writer | A Consumer that pushes each Element to a CodePoint Sink upon receipt |
►COm::Language::DefaultConsumer< Evaluator > | |
COm::Language::Evaluator | A Consumer that evaluates Program instances |
►COm::Language::DefaultConsumer< ThisImplementation, ThisInterface > | A partial implementation of Consumer |
►COm::Language::DefaultProgram< ThisImplementation, Om::Language::Element > | |
►COm::Language::DefaultElement< ThisImplementation, ThisInterface > | A partial implementation of Element |
►COm::Language::DefaultAtom< Operator > | |
COm::Language::Operator | The Operator implementation |
►COm::Language::DefaultAtom< Separator > | |
COm::Language::Separator | The Separator implementation |
►COm::Language::DefaultProgram< Literal > | |
COm::Language::Literal | The Literal Program implementation |
►COm::Language::DefaultProgram< Lexicon > | |
COm::Language::Lexicon | The Lexicon Program implementation |
►COm::Language::DefaultProgram< Expression > | |
COm::Language::Expression | The Expression Program implementation |
COm::Language::Program | The Program implementation |
COm::Language::Evaluation | The current evaluation |
COm::Language::Expression::FormRange< ThisForm > | An Expression Form range |
COm::Language::Form | An Operator (which may be empty), followed by zero or more Operand instances |
COm::Language::Form::OperandRange< ThisOperand > | A Form Operand range |
COm::Language::Literal::ElementRange< ThisLiteral > | A Literal Element range |
COm::Language::Operation::BackPullCharacterOperation | The [characters]-> operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::BackPullCodePointOperation | The [code` points]-> operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::BackPullElementOperation | The [...]-> operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::BackPullFormOperation | The [forms]-> operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::BackPullOperandOperation | The [...operand]-> operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::BackPullOperatorOperation | The [...operator]-> operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::BackPullPairOperation | The [pairs]-> operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::BackPullSeparatorOperation | The [...separator]-> operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::BackPullTermOperation | The [terms]-> operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::DoOperation | The do operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::EnvironmentOperation | The system operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::ExpressionBackPushOperation | The [expression]<- operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::ExpressionFrontPushOperation | The ->[expression] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPullCharacterOperation | The <-[characters] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPullCodePointOperation | The <-[code` points] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPullElementOperation | The <-[...] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPullFormOperation | The <-[forms] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPullOperandOperation | The <-[operand...] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPullOperatorOperation | The <-[operator...] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPullPairOperation | The <-[pairs] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPullSeparatorOperation | The <-[separator...] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPullTermOperation | The <-[terms] operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::IncompleteOperation | An Operation that has yet to consume one or more Operands and must live in memory until complete |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< ProgramOperation< ThisProgram > > | |
COm::Language::Operation::ProgramOperation< ThisProgram > | An Operation that normalizes a Program to a specific type |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< InjectOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::InjectOperation | The inject operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< CopyOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::CopyOperation | The copy operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< SkipOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::SkipOperation | The skip operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< QuoteOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::QuoteOperation | The quote operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< PairOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::PairOperation | The pair operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< FillOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::FillOperation | The fill operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< DefineOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::DefineOperation | The define operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< DequoteOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::DequoteOperation | The dequote operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< PullOperation< ThisProgram, ThisImplementation > > | |
COm::Language::Operation::PullOperation< ThisProgram, ThisImplementation > | An Operation that pulls part of a Program |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< NormalizeOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::NormalizeOperation | The normalize operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< EqualsOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::EqualsOperation | The = operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< ChooseOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::ChooseOperation | The choose operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< FindOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::FindOperation | The find operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< DecodeOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::DecodeOperation | The decode operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< SwapOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::SwapOperation | The swap operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< FrontPushOperation< ThisProgram, ThisImplementation > > | |
COm::Language::Operation::FrontPushOperation< ThisProgram, ThisImplementation > | An Operation that joins an Operand to the front of a Program |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< EncodeOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::EncodeOperation | The encode operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< DropOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::DropOperation | The drop operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< EvaluateOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::EvaluateOperation | The define operation implementation |
►COm::Language::Operation::DefaultIncompleteOperation< ThisImplementation > | A partial implementation of IncompleteOperation |
►COm::Language::Operation::TranslateOperation< SubstituteOperation > | |
COm::Language::Operation::SubstituteOperation | The substitute operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::TranslateOperation< ThisImplementation > | An Operation that applies each Translator to a Program |
COm::Language::Operation::LexiconBackPushOperation | The [lexicon]<- operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::LexiconFrontPushOperation | The ->[lexicon] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::LiteralBackPushOperation | The [literal]<- operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::LiteralFrontPushOperation | The ->[literal] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::OperatorBackPushOperation | The [operator]<- operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::OperatorFrontPushOperation | The ->[operator] operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::RearrangeOperation | The rearrange operation implementation |
COm::Language::Operation::SystemOperation | The system operation implementation |
COm::Language::Pair | An Operator and an Operand |
►COm::Language::Producer | An Element giver; gives from the front |
COm::Language::Evaluator | A Consumer that evaluates Program instances |
COm::Language::Program | The Program implementation |
COm::Language::System::Definition< ThisOperation > | An inserter of an Operation into the static System instance |
►COm::Language::Translator | An Operator lookup for use by an Evaluator |
COm::Language::Environment | An unowned Translator collection for which lookups are done for each Translator, in reverse order, until a match is found |
COm::Language::Lexicon | The Lexicon Program implementation |
COm::Language::System | Translates an Operator to an Operation |
COm::List< ThisValue > | A doubly-linked list in which nodes are unowned |
COm::List< ThisValue >::Node | A List node |
►COm::Moveable | An object that can be passed to Move to be moved |
COm::DefaultMoveable< ThisImplementation, ThisInterface > | A partial implementation of Moveable |
COm::Giveable | An object that can be copied or moved via Give |
►COm::Shareable< ThisOwnerCount > | A pointee for boost::intrusive_ptr |
COm::Language::Program | The Program implementation |
►COm::Sink::Sink< ThisItem > | Any object that items can be pushed to |
►COm::Sink::DefaultSink< ThisItem, IteratorSink< ThisItem, ThisIterator > > | |
COm::Sink::IteratorSink< ThisItem, ThisIterator > | A Sink adapter for an output iterator |
►COm::Sink::DefaultSink< ThisItem, ContainerFrontSink< ThisItem, ThisContainer > > | |
COm::Sink::ContainerFrontSink< ThisItem, ThisContainer > | A Sink adapter for a container; pushes items into the front |
►COm::Sink::DefaultSink< ThisItem, ContainerBackSink< ThisItem, ThisContainer > > | |
COm::Sink::ContainerBackSink< ThisItem, ThisContainer > | A Sink adapter for a container; pushes items into the back |
►COm::Sink::DefaultSink< ThisItem, ThisImplementation > | A partial Sink implementation |
►COm::Sink::IteratorSink< char const, std::ostreambuf_iterator< char > > | |
COm::Sink::StreamSink< ThisItem > | A Sink adapter for an output stream |
►COm::Source::Source< ThisItem > | Any object that items can be pulled from |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< char const, StreamSource< char > > | |
COm::Source::StreamSource< ThisItem > | A Source adapter for an input stream |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, IteratorPairSource< ThisItem, ThisIterator > > | |
►COm::Source::IteratorPairSource< ThisItem, ThisIterator > | A Source adapter for a start and end input iterator pair |
►COm::Source::CollectionFrontSource< Form const, FormDeque::const_iterator > | |
COm::Language::Expression::FormRange< Form const > | An immutable Expression Form range |
►COm::Source::CollectionFrontSource< Operand const, OperandDeque::const_iterator > | |
COm::Language::Form::OperandRange< Operand const > | An immutable Form Operand range |
►COm::Source::CollectionFrontSource< Element const, ElementDeque::const_iterator > | |
COm::Language::Literal::ElementRange< Literal const > | An immutable Literal Element range |
►COm::Source::CollectionFrontSource< Operand, OperandDeque::iterator > | |
COm::Language::Form::OperandRange< Operand > | A mutable Form Operand range |
►COm::Source::CollectionFrontSource< Form, FormDeque::iterator > | |
COm::Language::Expression::FormRange< Form > | A mutable Expression Form range |
►COm::Source::CollectionFrontSource< Element, ElementDeque::iterator > | |
COm::Language::Literal::ElementRange< Literal > | A mutable Literal Element range |
COm::Source::CollectionBackSource< ThisItem, ThisIterator > | A range over a collection, starting from the back |
COm::Source::CollectionFrontSource< ThisItem, ThisIterator > | A range over a collection, starting from the front |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< std::string, CodePointStringFrontSource< ThisStringIterator > > | |
COm::Source::CodePointStringFrontSource< ThisStringIterator > | A Source of CodePoint strings from the front of a string |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< std::string, CodePointStringBackSource< ThisStringIterator > > | |
COm::Source::CodePointStringBackSource< ThisStringIterator > | A Source of CodePoint strings from the back of a string |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, IteratorSource< ThisItem, ThisIterator > > | |
COm::Source::IteratorSource< ThisItem, ThisIterator > | A Source adapter for a sentinal-terminated input iterator |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< Element const, ElementRange > | |
COm::Language::Expression::ElementRange | An Expression Element range |
COm::Language::Form::ElementRange | A Form Element range |
COm::Language::Lexicon::ElementRange | A Lexicon Element range |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, ContainerBackSource< ThisItem, ThisContainer > > | |
COm::Source::ContainerBackSource< ThisItem, ThisContainer > | A Source adapter for a container; pulls items from the back |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, ContainerFrontSource< ThisItem, ThisContainer > > | |
COm::Source::ContainerFrontSource< ThisItem, ThisContainer > | A Source adapter for a container; pulls items from the front |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, SingletonSource< ThisItem > > | |
COm::Source::SingletonSource< ThisItem > | A single item Source |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, EmptySource< ThisItem > > | |
COm::Source::EmptySource< ThisItem > | An empty Source |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, ThisImplementation > | A partial implementation of Source |
►COm::Source::CodePointSource< IteratorSource< char const, char const * > > | |
COm::Source::CodePointSource< char const * > | A specialization for null-terminated code unit array |
►COm::Taker< ThisImplementation > | An object that can take (copy or swap) another of the same type |
COm::Language::DefaultProgram< ThisImplementation, Om::Language::Element > | |
COm::Language::DefaultProgram< Literal > | |
COm::Language::DefaultProgram< Lexicon > | |
COm::Language::DefaultProgram< Expression > | |
COm::Owner< Om::Language::Program > | |
COm::Language::DefaultProgram< ThisImplementation, ThisInterface > | A partial implementation of Program |
►COm::Sink::Sink< CodePoint const > | |
►COm::Sink::DefaultSink< CodePoint const, CodePointSink< ThisCodeUnitIterator > > | |
COm::Sink::CodePointSink< ThisCodeUnitIterator > | A CodePoint Sink that pushes each code unit to the iterator |
►COm::Source::Source< CodePoint const > | |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< CodePoint const, CodePointSource< char const * > > | |
COm::Source::CodePointSource< ThisCodeUnitIterator > | A CodePoint Source that reads each code unit from the iterator |
►COm::Source::DefaultSource< CodePoint const, Reader > | |
COm::Language::Reader | Produces each CodePoint until the end of the Source |
►Cstd::iterator | |
COm::Sink::DefaultSink< CodePoint const, CodePointSink< ThisCodeUnitIterator > > | |
COm::Sink::DefaultSink< ThisItem, IteratorSink< ThisItem, ThisIterator > > | |
COm::Sink::DefaultSink< ThisItem, ContainerFrontSink< ThisItem, ThisContainer > > | |
COm::Sink::DefaultSink< ThisItem, ContainerBackSink< ThisItem, ThisContainer > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< CodePoint const, CodePointSource< char const * > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< char const, StreamSource< char > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, IteratorPairSource< ThisItem, ThisIterator > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< std::string, CodePointStringFrontSource< ThisStringIterator > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< std::string, CodePointStringBackSource< ThisStringIterator > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, IteratorSource< ThisItem, ThisIterator > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< Element const, ElementRange > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, ContainerBackSource< ThisItem, ThisContainer > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, ContainerFrontSource< ThisItem, ThisContainer > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, SingletonSource< ThisItem > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, EmptySource< ThisItem > > | |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< CodePoint const, Reader > | |
COm::Sink::DefaultSink< ThisItem, ThisImplementation > | A partial Sink implementation |
COm::Source::DefaultSource< ThisItem, ThisImplementation > | A partial implementation of Source |
►COm::Taker< Owner< ThisValue > > | |
COm::Owner< ThisValue > | A polymorphic object with value semantics |