Nboost | |
►NOm | The Om library |
►NLanguage | The Om language implementation |
►NOperation | A namespace for all Operation implementations |
CBackPullCharacterOperation | The [characters]-> operation implementation |
CBackPullCodePointOperation | The [code` points]-> operation implementation |
CBackPullElementOperation | The [...]-> operation implementation |
CBackPullFormOperation | The [forms]-> operation implementation |
CBackPullOperandOperation | The [...operand]-> operation implementation |
CBackPullOperatorOperation | The [...operator]-> operation implementation |
CBackPullPairOperation | The [pairs]-> operation implementation |
CBackPullSeparatorOperation | The [...separator]-> operation implementation |
CBackPullTermOperation | The [terms]-> operation implementation |
CChooseOperation | The choose operation implementation |
CCopyOperation | The copy operation implementation |
CDecodeOperation | The decode operation implementation |
CDefaultIncompleteOperation | A partial implementation of IncompleteOperation |
CDefineOperation | The define operation implementation |
CDequoteOperation | The dequote operation implementation |
CDoOperation | The do operation implementation |
CDropOperation | The drop operation implementation |
CEncodeOperation | The encode operation implementation |
CEnvironmentOperation | The system operation implementation |
CEqualsOperation | The = operation implementation |
CEvaluateOperation | The define operation implementation |
CExpressionBackPushOperation | The [expression]<- operation implementation |
CExpressionFrontPushOperation | The ->[expression] operation implementation |
CFillOperation | The fill operation implementation |
CFindOperation | The find operation implementation |
CFrontPullCharacterOperation | The <-[characters] operation implementation |
CFrontPullCodePointOperation | The <-[code` points] operation implementation |
CFrontPullElementOperation | The <-[...] operation implementation |
CFrontPullFormOperation | The <-[forms] operation implementation |
CFrontPullOperandOperation | The <-[operand...] operation implementation |
CFrontPullOperatorOperation | The <-[operator...] operation implementation |
CFrontPullPairOperation | The <-[pairs] operation implementation |
CFrontPullSeparatorOperation | The <-[separator...] operation implementation |
CFrontPullTermOperation | The <-[terms] operation implementation |
CFrontPushOperation | An Operation that joins an Operand to the front of a Program |
CIncompleteOperation | An Operation that has yet to consume one or more Operands and must live in memory until complete |
CInjectOperation | The inject operation implementation |
CLexiconBackPushOperation | The [lexicon]<- operation implementation |
CLexiconFrontPushOperation | The ->[lexicon] operation implementation |
CLiteralBackPushOperation | The [literal]<- operation implementation |
CLiteralFrontPushOperation | The ->[literal] operation implementation |
CNormalizeOperation | The normalize operation implementation |
COperatorBackPushOperation | The [operator]<- operation implementation |
COperatorFrontPushOperation | The ->[operator] operation implementation |
CPairOperation | The pair operation implementation |
CProgramOperation | An Operation that normalizes a Program to a specific type |
CPullOperation | An Operation that pulls part of a Program |
CQuoteOperation | The quote operation implementation |
CRearrangeOperation | The rearrange operation implementation |
CSkipOperation | The skip operation implementation |
CSubstituteOperation | The substitute operation implementation |
CSwapOperation | The swap operation implementation |
CSystemOperation | The system operation implementation |
CTranslateOperation | An Operation that applies each Translator to a Program |
NSymbol | A namespace for ASCII CodePoint symbol enumerations |
CAtom | An atomic Element defined by a string |
CConsumer | An Element taker; takes at the back |
CDefaultAtom | A partial implementation of Atom |
CDefaultConsumer | A partial implementation of Consumer |
CDefaultElement | A partial implementation of Element |
CDefaultProgram | A partial implementation of Program |
CElement | A Program that contains a single elemental item (or none, when IsEmpty() returns true) |
CEnvironment | An unowned Translator collection for which lookups are done for each Translator, in reverse order, until a match is found |
CEvaluation | The current evaluation |
CEvaluator | A Consumer that evaluates Program instances |
►CExpression | The Expression Program implementation |
CElementRange | An Expression Element range |
CFormRange | An Expression Form range |
CFormRange< Form > | A mutable Expression Form range |
CFormRange< Form const > | An immutable Expression Form range |
►CForm | An Operator (which may be empty), followed by zero or more Operand instances |
CElementRange | A Form Element range |
COperandRange | A Form Operand range |
COperandRange< Operand > | A mutable Form Operand range |
COperandRange< Operand const > | An immutable Form Operand range |
►CLexicon | The Lexicon Program implementation |
CElementRange | A Lexicon Element range |
►CLiteral | The Literal Program implementation |
CElementRange | A Literal Element range |
CElementRange< Literal > | A mutable Literal Element range |
CElementRange< Literal const > | An immutable Literal Element range |
CNull | The Null Element implementation |
COperand | The Operand implementation |
COperator | The Operator implementation |
CPair | An Operator and an Operand |
CProducer | An Element giver; gives from the front |
CProgram | The Program implementation |
CReader | Produces each CodePoint until the end of the Source |
CSeparator | The Separator implementation |
►CSystem | Translates an Operator to an Operation |
CDefinition | An inserter of an Operation into the static System instance |
CTranslator | An Operator lookup for use by an Evaluator |
CWriter | A Consumer that pushes each Element to a CodePoint Sink upon receipt |
NMacro | A namespace for all code used to implement global macros |
►NSink | A namespace for all sinks |
CCodePointSink | A CodePoint Sink that pushes each code unit to the iterator |
CContainerBackSink | A Sink adapter for a container; pushes items into the back |
CContainerFrontSink | A Sink adapter for a container; pushes items into the front |
CDefaultSink | A partial Sink implementation |
CIteratorSink | A Sink adapter for an output iterator |
CSink | Any object that items can be pushed to |
CStreamSink | A Sink adapter for an output stream |
►NSource | A namespace for all sources |
CCodePointSource | A CodePoint Source that reads each code unit from the iterator |
CCodePointSource< char const * > | A specialization for null-terminated code unit array |
CCodePointStringBackSource | A Source of CodePoint strings from the back of a string |
CCodePointStringFrontSource | A Source of CodePoint strings from the front of a string |
CCollectionBackSource | A range over a collection, starting from the back |
CCollectionFrontSource | A range over a collection, starting from the front |
CContainerBackSource | A Source adapter for a container; pulls items from the back |
CContainerFrontSource | A Source adapter for a container; pulls items from the front |
CDefaultSource | A partial implementation of Source |
CEmptySource | An empty Source |
CIteratorPairSource | A Source adapter for a start and end input iterator pair |
CIteratorSource | A Source adapter for a sentinal-terminated input iterator |
CSingletonSource | A single item Source |
CSource | Any object that items can be pulled from |
CStreamSource | A Source adapter for an input stream |
CCopyable | An object that can be passed to Copy to be copied |
CDefaultCopyable | A partial implementation of Copyable |
CDefaultGiveable | A partial implementation of Giveable |
CDefaultMoveable | A partial implementation of Moveable |
CGiveable | An object that can be copied or moved via Give |
►CList | A doubly-linked list in which nodes are unowned |
CNode | A List node |
CMoveable | An object that can be passed to Move to be moved |
COwner | A polymorphic object with value semantics |
CShareable | A pointee for boost::intrusive_ptr |
CTaker | An object that can take (copy or swap) another of the same type |